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Ohio Environmental Protect Division of Drinking & Ground Waters

July  2014 Village  of  Ashville  Water  Department Report

3 drinking water

Ashville Newsletter. Annually we include in our newsletter a report on the quality of water provided to our residents. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (O-EPA) calls this the CCR or Consumer Confidence Report. All community public water systems are required to prepare a CCR annually and distribute the report to their customers. The report contains information on the community’s drinking water including the source of the water, contaminants detected, the likely sources of detected contaminants, health effects of the contaminants when violations occur, and availability of source water assessments.

CCR’s are required by the 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Federal Rule (40 CFR 141.151 through 155) was finalized August 19, 1998. We hope this information will provide you comfort and security. We recognize that water quality is a very important area of operation.

The Village of Ashville pumped 207.148 million gallons in 2013 with 23.295 removed in the process resulting in total finished pumped or 183.853 MG.

A Word from the Water Departmentwelsh

In 2013 we implemented our backflow cross contamination program. Many inspections have been completed and those inspected have come into full compliance. Not only have we transitioned into a new mind-set of protecting our system, but in the process have been able to  help  businesses  and residents identify problems within their own systems. We have found leaks and plumbing issues that had gone unnoticed by owners and identified potential problems, assisting and advising on how to correct these problems. The backflow information program is on the Village of Ashville website,, which makes it easier to get forms and also answer questions about what backflow means, and what all is involved.

The program is ongoing with continued efforts to improve the process. So far, I would say the program has been a success.  In anticipation of the future and in an effort to provide more reliable information on what our system is doing and what our demands are, we continue to install radio read meters, in addition to replacing some of our larger meters.



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