Village of Ashville, Ohio


Scholl and Welsh

Matt Scholl took the oath of office on January 3, 2022. He is a lifelong resident of Ashville.

Why is your role important?

"I feel being a part of village council is a great Honor and Privilege. I've been a firefighter/ Paramedic since 2012 serving the public and community I work in. Being on council and working for the community is another way to give back to the community where I live. All roles of council are important to help see the community grow in the right direction.".

How does your work reflect Ashville's vision statement?

"I'm seeing the village grow in a lot of ways. As a council member I just want the village to keep thriving and growing in the right direction, and see that it is done properly."

Why do you like working for Ashville?

"This is the community I grew up in. I'm a graduate of Teays Valley. I worked as a firefighter/ paramedic for Harrison Township from 2012-2019. I feel that this was an opportunity to serve the community I live in. I'm willing to help my community in anyway."  

Contact Information

 Matt Scholl


Council Member Matt Scholl

Address: 51 Burroughs Drive  
Phone:  (740) 475 - 8757 
Fax:  (740) 983-4703
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.