Leaf Pick-Up
Services Department
As part of the Service Department duties, we provide leaf pick-up. This service will begin the last week of October and will end the last week of November, timing driven in large part by weather. The village usually conducts trial runs to check equipment before the start date.
NOTE: Leaves must be taken to the street. Schedule may be changed due to inclement weather or reasons beyond our control. Leaves piled in front or back of vehicles will not be picked
up—we use the ten (10) “foot rule” to prevent damage.
No brush or flowers will be picked up. Local Waste Services will take limbs that are bundled or weeds (flowers) that are bagged.
The size of our equipment prevents us from traveling in alleys.
If you need to reach the Chief of the Service Department call the Administrative Office at (740) 983–6367 and ask for Greg Sturgill. He will return your call.