Water Treatments

The Water Department serves two primary functions.  First to process raw water and to distribute processed raw water in a manner approved by the Ohio EPA.   Read More

Utilities & Billing  Contact Us 740-983-6367

James Welsh  jwelsh@ashvilleohio.gov

Water Ordinance


Inside Village Rate $4.48

Tank Fee 26¢

Total $4.74

Outside Rate $8.96 + tank fee of 52¢ = $9.48

Capacity Fee for Building and Home Development


3/4      = $      8,000

1.0      = $    14,167

1 1/2   = $    31,759

2.0      = $    55,685

3.0     = $    126,704

4.0     = $   225,241

6.0     = $  506,481

8.0    = $1,138,886

10.0 = $2,560,925  

Water Fire Suppression 

3/4      = $      4,000

1.0      = $     7,083

1 1/2   = $    15,880

2.0      = $    27,873

3.0     = $     63,352

4.0     = $   112,620

6.0     = $  253,241

8.0    = $  569,443

10.0 = $1,280,462  

Larger require special action by Village Council

Ohio EPA License to Operate and Maintain, for pdf click on image below:

To read current Consumer Confidence Report, click below:

The distribution system requires Backflow Prevention.  Read more by clicking below:

In 2017 the Ohio EPA required municipalities to develop a Lead Water Distribution Map, click below: