Law Enforcement

Core Values
Our officers are people of the highest character who hold honesty above all else and are not afraid to admit when they are in error.
Our officers are well trained and knowledgeable; they are prepared for the job both mentally and physically. Our officers are courteous and respectful to the people they encounter, and are always ready to take charge of any situation.
Sense of Justice
Our officers are fair and impartial, treating no one as if they are better or worse than anyone else. Our Officers will always do their best to help the victims of crime, while protecting the rights of the accused.
Each officer takes their oath of office seriously and will carry out their duties to the best of their ability, regardless of personal feelings.
Our officers are not only loyal to the administration and the officers appointed over them, but also to their fellow officers and the citizens they serve.
Our officers have the ability to recognize what task needs to be done and to complete these tasks. Each officer has the willingness to be accountable for their actions and words in dealing with the public. Each officer is willing to work as a team with other officers and agencies.
Our officers know that the job is often dangerous, and they have the strength to face that danger even in the presence of fear.
Records Request
For all Police Department records requests please contact:
Sgt Donnie Mayse
You may pick up a request form at The Ashville Police Department 91 W Main Street, or download it here Records Request Form
All record requests can be emailed, faxed, or dropped off in person.
Please allow at least 48 hours before request can be completed.
The Police Department’s top priorities are to protect lives and property and serve the needs of our citizens with respect and dignity. In an effort to ensure police personnel meet the Department's high standards of professionalism and service, the department established core values as guiding principles, see below.
Police Department Contact Information:
91 West Main Street Ashville, Ohio 43103
Direct Dial: (740)983-3112
Dispatch: (740 )474-2176
Fax: (740) 983-8529
Always Use 911 for Emergencies (Emergencies Only)
The Ashville Police Department is now accepting applications for Full-Time and Reserve Officers.
If your interested please contact;
Sgt D. Mayse
Position: Administrative Sergeant
91 W. Main St
Ashville, Ohio 43103
Email Sgt D. Mayse