
Mayor Steve Welsh

Mayor Steve Welsh

Mayor Steve Welsh took the Oath of Office on December 18, 2023. The oath was performed by Brian Garvine with Mayor Welsh's family standing with him. The Oath of Office follows: The Rules of Council and Ohio Revised Code 731.10, 731.11, 731.43 and 733.25 specifies the line of succession for Mayor and Village Council.

Randy Loveless was voted by members of council, as the new President Pro Tempore of Council. 

Succession Process:

Rules of Council: “At the first regular meeting or organizational meeting in January of each year, Council shall immediately proceed to elect a president pro tempore from its own number, who shall serve until the first meeting in January next after his election.  When the Mayor is absent from the Village or is unable for any cause to perform his duties, the president pro tempore shall be the acting Mayor, and shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as the Mayor (ORC 731.10).  The president pro tempore shall have a vote when presiding in the absence of the Mayor.  In the absence of both the Mayor and pro tempore, the council shall appoint a temporary chairman.

Ohio Revised Coded 731.10

At the first meeting in January of each year, the legislative authority of a village shall immediately proceed to elect a president pro tempore from its own number, who shall serve until the first meeting in January next after his election. The legislative authority may provide such employees for the village as it determines, and such employees may be removed at any regular meeting by a majority of the members elected to such legislative authority.

When the mayor is absent from the village or is unable, for any cause, to perform his duties, the president pro tempore shall be the acting mayor, and shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as the mayor.”

“Rules of Council: 9.  VACANCIES

In the case of the death, resignation, or removal of the Mayor the president pro tempore shall become the Mayor  and hold the office until his successor is elected and qualified.  Such successor shall be elected to the office for the unexpired term, at the first regular municipal election that occurs more than forty days after the vacancy has occurred; except that when the unexpired term ends within one year immediately following the date of such election, an election to fill such unexpired term shall not be held and the president pro tempore of the legislative authority of the village shall hold the office for such unexpired term.  When the president pro tempore becomes the Mayor, the vacancy thus created shall be filled by election of another president pro tempore.  (ORC 733.25, 731.11, 731.43)

When the office of a member of council becomes vacant, the vacancy shall be filled by election by council for the unexpired term.  If council fails to act within thirty (30) days from the acceptance of the resignation or within thirty (30) days of the death of a member of council or other reason for such vacancy, the Mayor shall fill the vacancy by appointment (ORC 731.43).  Whenever a vacancy exists in the membership of council, the fiscal officer and/or clerk shall notify the local newspaper that such vacancy exists and that the Mayor and council will accept applications from interested citizens who desire to fill the vacancy, and such notifications to the Mayor and Council shall be submitted and on file in the fiscal officer and/or clerk’s office within seven (7) days from the notification in the local newspaper.  At the next regularly scheduled meeting, all applicants must be in attendance to be interviewed by council members and the Mayor.”

Contact Information

Mayor Steve Welsh
Address: 200 East Main Street
Phone: (740) 983-6367

 Mayor Steve Welsh