2023 Consumer Confidence Report Water Quality Report (CCR)
2023 CCR Published in 2024 Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Drinking & Ground Waters
Village of Ashville Water Department
Our Vision Continues
Our objective is to fulfill Ashville's Vision, "offering an enhanced quality of life achieved through planning, progress and collaboration". We are once again pleased to present our annual water quality report covering all testing performed between January 1 and December 31, 2023. Over the years, we have dedicated ourselves to producing drinking water that meets all state and federal standards. We continually strive to adopt methods for delivering the best-quality drinking water to you. As challenges to drinking water safety emerge, we remain attentive in meeting the goals of source water protection, water conservation, and community education while continuing to serve the needs of all our water users. Please remember that we are always available should you ever have any questions or concerns about your water.
The complete 2023 report is on this webpage with notification through our newsletter about updates or new reports. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OhioEPA) requires all community public water systems to prepare a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) and provide information to their customers. This report contains information on our community's drinking water including the source of the water, contaminants detected, the likely sources of detected contaminants, health effects of the contaminants when violations occur, availability of source assessments, general health information, water quality test results, how to participate in decisions concerning your drinking water and water system contacts.
CCR's are required by the 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Federal Rule (40 CFR 141.151 through 155) was finalized on August 19, 1998. In Ohio, the requirement is through Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Chapter 3745-96. We hope this information will provide you comfort and security. We recognize that water quality is a very important area of operation.
Your drinking water met all Ohio EPA standards.
A word from the Water Department
In 2023 the Village finished drilling and installing the new well at the #6 site. This will allow for the Village to shut down well#4 and begin the rehab of that well. The Village has also continued to work on the new water plant design and getting the items in place to move forward with funding and EPA evaluation. In 2023 the sand filters at the water plant were chemically cleaned, tested, and put back into use. Also, the Village has leak detectors come and survey the Village for potential water losses. The water plant pumped 219.619MG of raw water into the facility and treated 195.674MG. This means that the loss within the plant is 11% used for backwashing filters and softeners. Currently the Village has an unconditional use permit for water treatment and distribution. If you have any questions in upcoming projects, please feel free to contact my office at any time.
Thank you for your time.
Jim Welsh
As always if you have any concerns or questions, please contact the water department.
Email: jwelsh@ashvilleohio.gov
Office: (740) 983-6367
Mobile: (614) 214-9223