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  • Vision


    The Vision Statement guides Ashville. Council meetings start at 6:30 pm on the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month. Schedule: Click on the Banner or Read More for Tribute Information for Mayor Wise. Read More
  • 2023 Consumer Confidence Report

    2023 Consumer Confidence Report

    2023 Consumer Confidence Report Read More
  • Alerts & Advisories

    Alerts & Advisories

    Go to municipal/ or click on the Banner or Read More. Read More
  • Planning & Zoning Project

    Planning & Zoning Project

    The Village of Ashville with Crossroads Community Planning is updating its Planning & Zoning Codes. For more information click on image or "read more". Read More
  • Projects


    Access information on projects for parks, streets, & utilities by clicking on the Banner or Read More. Please note that some projects may span years or may involve a combination of Ashville services. Read More
  •  Water Facility Project

    Water Facility Project

    Information about this project is found by clicking on the Banner or Read More. The webpage was developed to track and provide transparency to this process. Read More
  • Water Tower Project

    Water Tower Project

    The Village of Ashville is working on replacing the Cromley Water Tower with a North Water Tower. Click on read more or the banner for more information. Read More
  • Water Connection Projects

    Water Connection Projects

    Information about these projects are found by clicking on the Banner or Read More. Earnhart Hill & South Bloomfield(Completed) Water Connection. The webpage was developed to track and provide transparency to this process. Read More
  • Phase II of the State Route 316 Project

    Phase II of the State Route 316 Project

    The Phase II State Route 316 Project is from Station Street to SR 752. Click on Read More of the Banner to access more information. Read More
  • 2024 & 25 Paving Project

    2024 & 25 Paving Project

    Summary information on 2024 Randolph Street Paving Project. For more detailed information you can be linked to the project webpage by clicking on the Banner to the right or Read More Read More
  • Water Resource Recovery Facility Expansion

    Water Resource Recovery Facility Expansion

    Information about this project is found by clicking on the Banner or Read More. The webpage was developed to track and provide transparency to this process. Read More
  • Westside Park Project

    Westside Park Project

    Submitted Westside Park in 2022 and in 2024. Click on image or read more for Information. Read More
  • Park


    Information on Ashville Park development can be found by clicking on the Banner or Read More. We have been fortunate to benefit from Pickaway County Park District funding. Read More
  • Pedestrian Project

    Pedestrian Project

    Ashville & ODOT is funding a Pedestrian Enhanced Intersection Improvement Project. The intent is to add two (2) pedestrian signals and five (5) LED street lights. For more information click on the Banner or Read. Read More
  • South Metershed Project

    South Metershed Project

    Phase 1 of Improvement Project is funded by the Ohio Public Works Commission & the Ohio Department of Development (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) for funding. For information click on the Banner or Read More. Read More
  • Resource Connection

    Resource Connection

    Resource information can be found by clicking on the Banner or Read More. This information includes transportation, food, computers, & connectivity, If you have an idea or information, please let us know. Read More
  • Financial Page

    Financial Page

    Financial ReportsThese reports include the Temporary and Permanent Expense Budgets, Anticipated Sources of Revenue Budget, Annual Financial Reports of the village and other financial information. Read More
  • CCR


    Water Quality Report is also know as the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). You can take a look at the report (s) by clicking on the Banner/Read More. Read More
  • Gas Aggregation

    Gas Aggregation

    Gas Aggregation is through Constellation NewEnergy - Gas Division, LLC. This was authorized by Ballot Question, legislation, & contract. For those documents, updates, & past information click on the Banner or Read More. Read More
  •  Ashville Foundation

    Ashville Foundation

    The purpose is to review its history, recruit members, elect officers, and approve by-laws. We encourage you to click on the Banner or Read More to get involved. Read More
  • Reporting Potholes

    Reporting Potholes

    If you see a pothole please call 740-983-6367 and report the location. To find out more about reporting potholes in Ashville, click the Banner or Read More. This will take you to our online reporting system. Read More
  • General Information

    General Information

    By clicking on this Banner or Read More you will find out more information on projects, events, and more. Read More
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Village of Ashville, Ohio

The Village of Ashville is a great place to live because village residents take pride in their homes and neighborhoods. To keep the village looking great, the village has adopted ordinances regulating property maintenance in both residential and commercial areas.

Reporting a Code Violation

If you think a property in your neighborhood is not being maintained in compliance with Village Codes, contact the Village at 740/983-6367 or send e-mail to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Upon receiving the complaint, the village will perform an inspection of the property. If violations are observed, the owner/resident will be notified of the violation and instructed to correct the violation(s).

When reporting a code violation, provide the following information to help the village respond to your complaint:

  • Provide the exact address of the alleged violation.
  • Clearly describe the violation you observed at the address.
  • Your name, address, and telephone number. This will allow the village to contact you if further information about your complaint is required.

This information will be handled in a confidential manner.

The Code Enforcement Process

When a violation is identified, the owner/resident will be notified of the violation and given an opportunity to correct it.  Depending on the type of violation, the estimated cost of bringing the property into compliance, and the past history of code violations at the property, the owner/resident will be given up to 30 days to bring the property into compliance with Village Codes.

If violations are not corrected in the time determined by the village, a Notice to Appear in Mayor’s Court (ticket) may be issued. When this occurs, the owner/resident must appear in Court. Upon conviction in Mayor’s Court, violators may be required to pay fines or could actually receive jail time. Due process is available by appealing to Municipal Court.

In some situations (tall weeds and grass, immediate hazards) the village may make arrangements to have the violation abated. When this occurs, the property owner must pay for the costs of abatement. If the property owner fails to do so, Village will place a special assessment against the property. 

Most Common Violations  Entire Text of the Code

The Village of Ashville Mayor has a program to promote sidewalks and curbs in the community. The Sidewalk/Curb Assistance Program's purpose is to provide a safe areas for pedestrian use. Without a sidewalk people would have to use the front yard of a home or the streets. Seed money was established to encourage sidewalks. This program has been extended to include curbs. A resident can apply for up to $500 (sidewalk/crub) or $1000 (sidewalks/curbs). The $1,000 is intended for locations with two front yards (corner lots). The grant forms are available at 200 East Station Street or online below.sidewalk

Sidewalk/Curb Application

The requirements for size/location (planning & zoning ordinance), and construction (Columbus Building Standards) of a sidewalk or curb can be found under "Village Departments" the dropdown is "Planning & Zoning/Building" or clicking on the sidewalk image to the right.

The Planning & Zoning / Building Department are separate Departments but many of the operations crossover with personnel and functions.  For example, a permit for a swimming pool only involves Planning & Zoning to ensure placement is in an approved area of the property.         

A permit for a room addition most likely will need a permit from both areas. Planning & Zoning will consider room addition location. The Building Department will be involved with the actual construction of the room addition.

Contact Us

Planning and Zoning Department:

Technical Terms and Definitions for Planning and Zoning

Applications & Forms(blue): Zoning Map & Land Use Information (red): Fees (white):

Permit Application                         Official Zoning Map  Planning & Zoning Fees

Sign Permit Application                 2013 Land Use Plan  Major Plat Fees

Annexation Application Packit       1992 Land Use Plan  Minor Plat Fees

Rezoning Application (Change in District) Past Zoning Map Building Fees

           Impact Fee Based on Ordinance 2022-23      Utility Connetion Fees

Demolition Permit Application  Impact Fee Report Not Appendices  Street Opening Fees

Right-of-Way Permit application IM Appendix A Demographic Data Utlity Application

Managment of Traffic Permit (MTO) IM Appendix B Traffic Count Part 1 Utility Capacity Fee

Sidewalk and Curb Grant Form IM Appendix B Traffic Count Part 2 Application (Tap)

Commercial Building Application IM Appendix C Synchro Results Income Tax Registration Form

Residential Building Permit Application IM Appendix D Ashville Documents

Income Tax Registration Form IM Appendix E Supplemental Police Information 

Application for Variance           IM Appendix F Supplemental Fire Information

                                                    IM Appendix G Planning Level Construction Estimates 

                                                    IM Appendix H Summary of Impact Fee Distribution

 Codes and Ordinances

Complete Codified Ordinances

Property Maintenance Code

PZB & TRC Review Manual

PZB & TRC Review Form

Building Department

Commercial Building & Contractors(blue): Residential Building(red): Before You Build(white):

Commercial Building Application  Residential Building Permit Application

Advisory Board Rules and Regulations

Contractor Registration Information Packet 

List of Registered Contractors  

City of Columbus Construction and Material Specifications

Ashville Specific General Notes 

Ashville Specific Roadway Notes    

Ashville Specific Water Main/Line Notes

Ashville Specific Sanitary & Stormwater Sewer Notes

Ashville Specific Sanitary & Sewer Notes

Ashville Specific Storm Water Notes

P & Z Inspector (AEA) Samantha Pemberton              

Buidling Inspector       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Planning & Zonning Board

Meeting Schedule   

Board Members  


The Village of Ashville has Impact, Planning & Zoning, and Building Department Fees. This webpage will provide information on these fees and how they can be calculated.

logo  Address 
                                                           Building Department
                                                        Submit one application for each building or structure. Please print or type.
All sections must be completed.
1 Scope of project  
0 Structural
0 Mechanical
Have you received the appropriate zoning permit?   0 Yes  0 No
0 Electrical
  3 Enter number of sheets in one set of drawings:
0 Sprinklers

Nature of project

0 New 0 Alteration 0 Addition 0 Rebuild 0 Other 0Change of Occupancy

0 Plumbing
0 Industrialized Unit
  5 Previous or related Certificate of Plan Approval #’s

Demographic Information:

6 Name of Project Project Number:
Exact address of project
                                                           Street                                                Village                              Ohio                                Zip
7 Owner of project Attention
Address                                                             City/Village                        Zip
Phone (       )         -                                          Fax (       )         -              
8 Name of submitter
Address                                                             City/Village                        Zip
Phone (       )         -                                          Fax (       )         -              
9 Plans prepared by  0 Architect      0 Engineer      0 Certified sprinkler/Alarm designer (check one)
Name                                                                   Ohio Registration Number   
Address                                                        City/Village                        Zip
Phone (       )         -                                              Fax (       )         -              
10 Current location use:
11 Proposed use (s):
12 Cost estimate of work covered by this application:   $ ___ ,___  ___  ___ , ___  ___  ___ . ___  ___ 
13 Total number of fixtures for:   Structure ____  Electrical ____  Plumbing ____  Mechanical ____  U.I. ____ 
14 Total Square footage    ____  ____  ____  ____ 
15 Sprinkler square footage    ____  ____  ____  ____ 
16 Number of alarms devices
17 Total fee due: (from Impact/Planning & Zoning Building Fee Worksheets)____  ____ , ____  ____  ____ . ____  ____
19 Flood Zone?                           0 Yes    0  No
20 If plans are submitted as the result of an Adjudication Order, enter order number here:________________
21 I hereby certify that I am the (select one)   0 Owner   0  Agent for the Owner

And all information contained in this application is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge

                                                                   __________________________       _______________

                                                              Signature                                                                   Date


                                                              Print or type name of signer                     

23 The Area Below is For Official Use Only
Worksheets Fees paid by?    0 Cash  0  Check-Check #:____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____ 
Date sent to review 0 Mail-in  0  Walk-in
Processed by:

**Square footage figures rounded up to the next 100-square feet as per Section 108.2 of the OBC

Fees are due at time of submission. Please submit 3 sets of plans.

(4 sets for properties using fire suppression)

Building Department


General Contractor____________________________________ License #_________

Contractor Address____________________________________________

City_______________________________ State_________Zip_________

Phone # ______________ Mobile______________ Fax ______________

Contact Person_______________________________________________

SUBCONTRACTOR INFORMATION (provide list – all subcontractors must be registered before a permit can be issued)


This is a Link to the Contractor and Sub-contractor Registration Webpage  Pen 



Link to Impact/Planning & Zoning Building Permit Fee Worksheets broken house     pdf of Worksheets

The above worksheet is in excel. On your screem it may appear at the bottom left. Click to open in an excel program on your computer. Complete the information on the worksheets. After you rename file to a Project Name, i.e. Project-John-Doe-Fee-Worksheet-for-Website.xlsx, email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. That information will be used to create an Invoice. 


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